Holiday in contact with nature

All seasons are good to stay out and do what we like most.

Val di Sole offers many opportunities in its busiest tourist seasons, summer and winter. Autumn and spring, however, are very suitable for those seeking silence, peace and tranquility. This is why at Maso Margherita Apartments Yoga Outdoor we offer experiential holidays in contact with nature, an exchange and mutual enrichment through our passions. All marked by a rhythm in line with that of nature and human beings.

Exploring, walking and breathing finding that balance which is in each of us.

Trekking & Bike

You can visit our area in various ways: on foot, by bicycle or using the ski lifts which are open during winter and summer months. Val di Sole is at the center of a green lung protected by two parks. To the north the Stelvio National Park and to the south the Adamello Brenta Natural Park. Hundreds of km of paths for all levels to discover and appreciate what nature offers us.

With Roberto, our Mountain Guide (Accompagnatore di Media Montagna), you have the opportunity to discover history, cultural backgrounds, geography and curiosities of nature, the main character of our valley.

Nordic Walking

Walking is good, walking good is better!

Nordic Walking is a physical exercise practiced during walking which involves the upper limbs through a push on the ground carried out with the aid of a pair of sticks. This allows you to obtain maximum muscle involvement, making Nordic Walking a technique suitable for everyone, beginners and experts, little ones and adults both.

If we look at the other side of Nordic Walking, and we also like this side a lot, walking with poles can become a meditative walk or…yoga in movement, because the use of the correct technique requires a high degree of concentration and presence, resulting in good focus and a lighter state of mind.

Furthermore, Nordic Walking is practiced outdoors, so what’s better than breathing good fresh mountain air while keeping fit, spending time in company and getting back in touch with nature?!

If we have intrigued you and you wish to learn this technique, then request it when booking and together we will agree on a lesson program.

We provide poles while be sure you bring suitable clothing and shoes from home.


Learning snowboarding with instructor Roby in the Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta Skiarea will be a lot of fun: an area with 150km of slopes which, in winter, is the largest skiable area in Trentino.

For all ages, beginners and advanced, lessons and rental at the Val di Sole Ski School at the start of the Daolasa-Valmastellina cable car which is only 1km from our apartments.

Enjoy the ride!


For all these activities our Guests can count on highly qualified people with many years of experience and knowledge of the area but… who are we?!?

Here we are!

Sonia, Istruttrice Yoga Metodo Satyananda, Istruttrice Nordic Walking

Roberto, Accompagnatore di Media Montagna, Istruttore Bike, Maestro di Snowboard, studente di Naturopatia

Val di Sole Tourist Office

Pro Loco Commezzadura

Val di Sole Ski School

Bike Rental and Shop Val di Sole

Italian School for Nordic Walking

Scuola di Yoga Satyananda Ashram Italia